
Category Archives: Medical Malpractice

Medicine Mistakes: Yes, Doctors and Pharmacists Should Pay for Errors

Everyone knows someone who failed to take his or her medications correctly. When that happens, it is the fault of the patient. But doctors, pharmacists and nurses can make mistakes with pharmaceuticals that hurt the patient. That is the fault of the professional, and it happens more often than most people realize. According to a …

A Late Diagnosis of Oral Cancer May Be Due to Dentist Negligence

When most of us go to the dentist, a cavity or possible root canal may be our greatest concern. However, a dental appointment is where most individuals with oral cancer first learn of it. In fact, dentists are trained to search for oral cancers (squamous cell carcinomas) — and are responsible for initiating a diagnostic …

Filing a Malpractice Claim with Kaiser Permanente: Your Lawyer’s Role

While most health care patients are aware that mistakes made by doctors and other health care providers are unacceptable and worthy of compensation, many are unaware of the special system that exists for Kaiser Permanente members. In a nutshell, California patients who are insured through the managed healthcare plans of Kaiser Permanente cannot pursue medical …

Will a Ballot Initiative Reform Malpractice Claims?

California is a tough state for anyone claiming medical malpractice against a physician. The difficulty stems from a state law passed in 1975, the Medical Injury Compensation Reform Act (MICRA), which capped medical malpractice judgments at a very low level. This law has made it difficult for claimants to recoup their full damages in the …

Deaths from Overdoses of Prescription Opiates Continue to Rise

Despite efforts to reduce the number of deaths from overdoses of prescription drugs, the rate continues to rise. In 2009 and 2010, more people died from overdoses than from auto accidents, and preliminary data from 2011 indicates that prescription drug overdose remains a serious problem in the United States. A study by the Center for …

Monitoring Care at California Nursing Homes

A company that runs 20 nursing homes in California has agreed to increase its staffing levels as part of a settlement with the California Attorney General’s office. Skilled Heathcare Group, Inc. has homes in Los Angeles, Orange, Riverside, Santa Barbara and Fresno counties. The patients were found to have bedsores and suffered from malnutrition, dehydration …

Winter 2012 – 2013 Flu Vaccine Provided Little Protection for Seniors

Last January, the L.A. Times published a story advising Californians to “Immunize, immunize!”  against the flu. Flu vaccines are never as effective as most others, such as those designed to protect against diseases like measles and polio, because the exact strain or strains of flu that circulate are different each year. Researchers at Vanderbilt University, writing during …

Man Dies After Having Wisdom Teeth Removed

The family of Marek Lapinski of Murrietta is asking some hard questions after the man went to have his wisdom teeth removed in an oral surgeon’s office and never woke up from the procedure.  The day before the procedure, he had tweeted, “gettin [sic] my wisdom teeth out tomorrow. Loading up on some #soup and …

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Law Office of Michael & Michelle Mandel
1438 Market Street
San Francisco, California, 94102 USA